Tenga Flex - masturbátor na opakované používání (černý)

Tenga Flex - masturbátor na opakované používání (černý)

Tenga Flex - masturbátor na opakované používání (černý) od společnosti s dlouholetou tradicí TENGA je u nás k dispozici opravdu výhodně. Vyberte si zboží přímo pro vás a podle hodnoty nákupu získáte ještě slevu. Tenga Flex - masturbátor na opakované používání (černý) - zboží máme ted u nás za 829 Kč

829 Kč
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Flexible spiraling sensations! Lose yourself in spiraling sensations! Find release with the TENGA FLEX. TENGA FLEX is a reusable masturbation sleeve featuring a soft outer casing. The case, using malleable materials molded into a spiral form, provides a just-right fit for all shapes and sizes and a strong vacuum sensation. Additionally, moving the FLEX up and down, the spiral loosens and tightens, revealing new sensations. Product Features A special combination of soft materials form the outer casing, for a sleek feel. The soft case of the FLEX allows the user to squeeze and twist at will, for a variety of sensations. The flexible casing allows the entire product to tighten and loosen with ease. The product opens upon insertion and tightens on exit, revealing a variety of stimulating pressures. Easy Washing The removable elastomer sleeve is easily washed with water for multiple uses. The cap can be inverted to serve as a drying stand, allowing for easy and hygienic drying of the elastomer sleeve. Two Sensations - Two Models Silky White - Gentle spiraling ribs embrace with delightful suction (smoother inner details, softer elastomer sleeve). Rocky Black - Strong spiraling ribs stimulate with dynamic suction (more intricate inner details, tougher elastomer sleeve).

Erotické pomůcky pro muže - Tenga masturbátory

Tenga Flex - masturbátor na opakované používání (černý)

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